Voluntary Contributions

We ask for 50p per session, generally known as "snack money" but what do we do with it?

With your voluntary contributions, we buy:

·Snack – apples, bananas, grapes, cucumber, crackers, breadsticks and toast ingredients.

·Playdough ingredients

·Bubble mixture

·New books to replace any which are ripped/ tatty for use in nursery and the home - school library

·New toys to replace any broken ones

·Cooking ingredients

·Special foods for different occasions such as Shrove Tuesday - pancake day  / Christmas party food etc

·Resources and activities for half termly stay and play sessions

We acknowledge that not everyone can contribute to this fund but want to thank all the parents who do send this voluntary contribution. Your support is much appreciated.

Please note that additional hours (over your funded agreement eg 15 or 30 hours) are not part of this arrangement and are charged separately. 

If you require further information please contact Mrs Connor ([email protected])  or Mr Smith  ([email protected]). 

Contact the School

Westminster Nursery School

Mrs E L Connor - Headteacher

Westminster Nursery School
Nelson St,
Crewe, Cheshire East

Tel: 01270 560319
[email protected]

SEN Contact: Nicola Clark

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